
Argentina’s Dog Beach

MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina — Dog owners in Argentina finally have an area in the crowded Mar del Plata beaches where they can let their pets run off the leash.

In what is believed to be the country’s first beach exclusively for dogs, ‘Yes, Playa Canina’ or ‘Yes, dog beach’ offers a recreation square, a private swimming pool, free canine snacks and an a-la-carte menu.

The founders of the service also organise dog walks in a nearby forest.

Gabriel Sapienza and his wife Nair came up with the idea in 2015 when most beaches did not let them in with their pampered canine companion, India.

But entrance to the beach is not free. A half-day at the beach costs around 200 Argentine pesos (13 US dollars), which does not include tents or other equipment.

The pet-friendly nation has the highest ownership rate of dogs in Latin America, according to a survey by Millward Brown.

This video was shot and produced exclusively for The Associated Press on March 14, 2016. Click here to watch it. If the link is not working, search “ARGENTINA DOG BEACH”

The video was republished by Italy’s news agency ANSA in March 15, 2016. Click here.

Other reproductions of U.K.’s Sky NewsCanada’s Global News, Chile’s 24 Horas, NTV7, Spain’s La Sexta.



Kamilia Lahrichi

Kamilia Lahrichi is a foreign correspondent and a freelance multimedia journalist. She's covered current affairs on five continents in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

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